【FDA警告信】印度Malladi Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

近期,FDA发布了关于印度泰米尔纳德邦的Malladi Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited的警告信Warning Letter 320-18-40,于于2017年9月4-8日对其进行了检查,了发现其API生产存在严重违反CGMP的行为。


1.Failure to use appropriate precautions to minimize the risk of API contamination where open equipment is used. 


Parts of your facility inwhich API production is conducted are open to the outdoors. Our investigator observed vermin, such as birds and insects, in the facility near open equipment used for drug manufacturing. Their presence puts your drugs at risk of contamination.You failed to take adequate precautions to prevent the risk of contamination while producing drugs using open equipment.


You committed to corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), but your response is inadequate because you failed to address the potential risk to product quality and safety.


In response to this letter, provide a risk assessment for all drugs within their re-test date manufactured and distributed within the United States. Include an evaluation of all (b)(4), drug intermediates, and drugs potentially contaminated by vermin.


2.     Failure to have equipment of the appropriate design and suitability for its intended use and cleaning for the manufacture of API. 


You use (b)(4) vessels in the (b)(4) and (b)(4) stages of your production process. In your response, you indicate that(b)(4) water is used for cleaning the (b)(4) vessels. However, your cleaning processes are insufficient. You lack justification that you can prevent contamination from foreign matter and other impurities that may seep from the (b)(4). Further, your equipment is difficult to reproducibly clean.


Your response also states thatthe (b)(4) is kept partially full with water for up to (b)(4) because the (b)(4) when it is fully dry. Using vessels made of (b)(4) and partially filled with standing water may increase the risk of drug contamination. In addition, equipment surfaces should be easily cleanable, and constructed to prevent additive, absorptive, or reactive characteristics.


3.     Failure to demonstrate that your manufacturing process can reproducibly manufacture an API meeting its predetermined quality attributes. 


During our inspection, you acknowledged that you failed to adequately validate your (b)(4) API drug manufacturing process. In addition, our inspection found that your process lacked adequate control during the (b)(4) step. Twenty-four batches yielded out-of-specification test results for an unspecified impurity over approximately two years. Your firm rejected these nonconforming batches and reprocessed some of them.

在我们检查期间,你们说你们未对你们的XX API药品生产工艺进行足够的验证。另外,我们的检查发现你们的工艺在XX步骤中缺乏足够的控制。约2年中有24批均有OOS结果,检出非特定杂质。你们公司拒收了这些不符合批次,有些批次进行了返工。

Prior to the manufacture of process qualification batches, a manufacturer should identify all significant sources of variability and develop robust controls throughout the operation.Your process validation program failed to sufficiently address process parameters and other variables in the commercial manufacturing operation to support process reproducibility. It is essential that your process validation program provide substantial information and data to determine if the process can consistently produce acceptable quality products under commercial manufacturing conditions.


In your response, you also acknowledged that your investigations and timeliness of response to the batch failures was inadequate, and that process changes were initiated without formal change management. You also provided data from many batches that met specifications for impurity and identity. However, this data is not are placement for adequate process design, control, CAPA and change management, and does not sufficiently support your claim that your process is robust.


Your firm does not have anadequate ongoing program for monitoring process control to ensure stable manufacturing operations and consistent drug quality. See FDA’s guidance document, Process Validation: General Principles and Practices, for general principles and elements of process validation athttp://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/.../Guidances/UCM070336.pdf.




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